Event by MNS Pathfinders Selangor branch
When: 16th February 2025 (Sunday) at 8:00 am
Where: Details will be separately provided (in Telegram chat) to registered joiners
Joining fee: Free (for members only)
up to 4 hours
3/5 (steep climb, requiring moderate fitness)
Risk: 3/5
(small section on slopy narrow trail, requiring to duck under collapsed fence)
7 km (3.5kmx2)
crossing: none
This is a repeat of our last year event which was hampered by rain. We took the safer tarred-road up instead, and walked on the ridge side of the forest only. So this year, we are going to try once more to scale up this peak via the forest trail; as a kind of a ‘revenge-hike’.
The walk up the forest trail requires moderate fitness level as the slope is steep; albeit, not too long distance. Once we reach the peak, we will proceed on the ridge down to the lighthouse. Good lookout point of the Langat River flowing out to the Straits of Melaka awaits. So as nature at its best.
We adopt Leave-No-Trace (LNT) principles in all our outdoor activities.
Limited places. If you are successful, you will be added into a Telegram chatgroup for the event. More information will be provided in the chatgroup.
Closing date for registration: 10 February 2025
All participants must agree to the waiver/release of liability clauses found here https://pathfinders.mnsselangorbranch.org/p/waiverrelease-of-liability-and.html
Interested? If you agree to the waiver/release of liability above, please register following the instructions in the next section.
Every participant has to furnish an individual application to provide the information below.
Please copy & paste [01] to [11] below (and fill up) to either:
1. a Telegram message to @pathfindersmns, or
2. an email to pathfinders@mnsselangorbranch.org
[Event] PF48u: Bukit Jugra Forest
Trail to Lighthouse
[01] Name (first name, last name):
Mobile phone number:
IC/Passport number:
Membership number:
Membership expiry date (members only):
Telegram ID (if available):
Next-of-Kin (Emergency Contact) name:
Next-of-Kin (Emergency Contact) mobile phone no.:
Remarks (if any):
Do you agree (see waiver text in the link) to the WAIVER/RELEASE