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Monday, February 19, 2024

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Change in Pathfinders Leadership


Above is the screenshot from Facebook and surely Pathfinders SIG existed long before there was Facebook and newer socmed sites.

Pathfinders committee is pleased to announce a change in the SIG leadership - as of 13th February 2024, Jimmy has stepped down as coordinator and at the same time Joseph takes the role along with CW Chan joining him as joint coordinator. Jimmy will remain in the committee to provide advisory/mentorship to the joint coordinators and leave the operations for their continuing management, and also serving at the branch for special projects—Google Workspace for Nonprofits administration (including tech support) and the ongoing APAC NGO Digital Transformation project. In addition to the smooth transition, Grace, who is a branch committee member, also joined the team, along with Alan and Allie, bringing the total number of committee members to six. 

Many events and trips were conducted before the pandemic lockdown, during the lockdown's permitted period and time, and more activities followed after the MCO. Most of the organised events are day hikes, then with camping, training, courses, and workshops incorporated into the suite of planned programs. Apart from normal forest hikes, we have had river walk and the famous, annual Cape Rachado circumnavigation under the soaring heat, in conjunction with the annual Raptor Watch event. It should be noted that all of Pathfinders hikes adopt and practise Leave No Trace's 7 Principles. 

Managing the registration, payment and group discussion are now on the Telegram platform, as the committee finds it is a better messaging platform and as a collaborative tool with many features.

Last but not least, the "new" committee will continue to helm and steer ahead, exploring uncharted waters in the ongoing quest for outdoor thrills and opportunities for forest bathing!