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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

[MEMBER-ONLY EVENT] ‘Crown-Shyness’ Hike @ North Shah Alam (Exclusive for members)


Event by MNS Pathfinders Selangor branch

When: 27th August 2023 (Sunday) at 7:30 am
Where: Details will be separately provided (in Telegram chat) to registered/paid joiners
Joining fee: RM10 (member-only)

Limited to 15 MNS members only.


Trek Details
Duration: 3.5 hours
Difficulty: 3/5
Risk: 2/5
Distance: 7 km
River crossing: 1 stream (Leeches: potential after any rain)

Welcome to this enchanting hidden oasis, a true gem of natural beauty tucked away from the bustling world of 'tourist hikers.' Behold, a conservation and ecological sensitive area adorned with majestic Dipterocarp trees, densely clustered per hectare, nestled in the hilly expanse just north of Shah Alam, a stone's throw away from the urban hustle.

Our purpose for embarking on this journey is to invite esteemed members of the Malaysian Nature Society to witness the captivating phenomenon of crown-shyness exhibited by these awe-inspiring trees, right in our backyard. As ardent nature lovers, we hold ourselves to the highest standard of Leave No Trace (LNT) principles in this pristine sanctuary. Immerse yourself in the wonders of nature through the lens of your camera, leaving no trace of our visit behind, and refraining from any trail-clearing with parangs, to preserve the area's untouched allure.

Let this not be merely an ordinary hiking trip, but a heartfelt opportunity to nurture our love for nature, cherishing every moment in this sanctuary of serenity.

In line with our dedication to preserving this haven, apart from the usual waiver of liability, we kindly request all participants to pledge to uphold the LNT principles and guarding the secrecy of this location. We ask that you refrain from publicly sharing the location on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other threads to ensure that this conservation and ecological sensitive area remains undisturbed by excessive human traffic.

This hike is not suitable for beginners. There will be a 5 meter ‘crawl like a dog’ under a bush (as we refrain from clearing it with parang). Apart from that, we do need some stamina for ascending hills.

Interested? Please register by providing the following information to:

Email: (note 2 's')

Telegram: @pathfindersmns


Every participant has to furnish individual application, providing the following information (please copy & paste [01] to [12] below into the Telegram message to @pathfindersmns (<< preferred mode of registration; or email), and fill up):

 [01] Name (first name, last name):

 [02] Mobile phone number:

 [03] IC/Passport number:

 [04] Age:

 [05] Membership number:

 [06] Membership expiry date (members only):

 [07] Telegram ID (if available):

 [08] Next-of-Kin (Emergency Contact) name:

 [09] Next-of-Kin (Emergency Contact) mobile phone no.:

 [10] Remarks (if any):

 [11] Do you agree to CONSERVE THIS SENSITIVE AREA by practicing high-standard of LEAVE NO TRACE, and not revealing the location or publish the event in social media like Facebook, Twitter, Thread, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc? (YES/NO)

 [12] Do you agree to the WAIVER/RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK (<< click)? (YES/NO):

 We adopt Leave No Trace (LNT) in all our outdoor activities.

 Limited to 15 MNS members only. If you are successful, you will be added into a Telegram chatgroup for the event. More information will be provided in the chatgroup.

 Closing date for registration: 17th August 2023


Do keep up to date with Pathfinders Selangor branch events at; also join us in Telegram at